Tracking is finally finished for the new Bjørn and Britt album! All recording tool place in Norway, either at Ocean Sound Studios and Giske or Duper Studios in Bergen, over the past year and a half.
Logger's Daughter's Vinyl is Mastered!
I spent the day with the fine folks at Taloowa Mastering cutting two vinyl sides for Logger's Daughter's debut release.
Electric Lady Studios
Making a Dark, Moody Recording in Norway with Bjørn & Britt
This August I traveled to Bergen, Norway to start pre-production on a what will be a beautiful record with Bjørn Tomren and Åse Britt Reme Jakobsen, known as Bjørn and Britt.
Tracking Jimmy Galloway's Tarheel Traveler
Photos from the basic tracking sessions for Jimmy Galloway's "Tarheel Traveler" album. Southern Tracks, Atlanta, GA.